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Phenolic insulation material advantage

SORCE£ºadmin   DATE£º2016/7/25   READER COUNT£º8089   

Since entering the 21st century, high-rise building fire uncommon, and therefore how high-rise building fire phenolic insulation color steel plate prices, how to protect the environment, has become a worldwide problem, the construction industry with fire performance thermal insulation materials directly affect marine rocks cotton plate which effect ringing people's lives and property, the study of environmentally friendly fire insulation materials, has become a top priority of scientific research departments.

France and the Nordic experts on construction sector believes the existing foam, only phenolic insulation material has good fire resistance, in case of fires burning release of toxic fumes in all material extruded foam board brand ranking is the minimum feed , the environmental pollution is minimal. The former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has been widely used in public buildings phenolic foam, Western Europe and the Middle East in the new regulations give priority to projects to make phenolic foam insulation materials, phenolic foam as France will be closed and the fire control material. In recent years, the Japanese have begun to use a large number of phenolic foam, the Japanese Ministry of Construction issued the "fire phenolic foam as the standard building materials," the decree.

Phenolic foam has many advantages, especially in the flame retardant, toxicity, has a special excellent performance: ¢Ù flame retardant, self-extinguishing, low smoke, flame penetration resistance, fire drip, little toxic gases, oxygen index is generally 35 to 40, is an organic foam crown; ¢Ú good heat resistance, long-term use temperature is generally up to 130 ¡æ ~ 150 ¡æ, 30 ¡æ ~ 40 ¡æ higher than the polyurethane rigid foam; ¢Û thermal conductivity is generally 0.029 to 0.04 W / m ¡€ K, close to the polyurethane rigid foam, better than the current widely used in the construction of polystyrene foam.

Birth of phenolic foam insulation material has added new members, particularly valuable is that it combines the advantages of organic and inorganic insulation materials: light weight, good insulation properties, low water absorption, good strength, good dimensional stability, fire resistance excellent. Experts stressed that the phenolic foam insulation can be used as building facades preferred environmental protection, fire-insulation materials.

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